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  • Writer's pictureArcana Salon


Sometimes, it is difficult to get that clear skin you’ve always craved for probably because of several factors including your beauty routine. A lot of times, it isn’t the amount of time you spend with a mask on your face or some treatment that guarantees a smooth skin, it could be that the product itself isn’t potent or maybe not cut out for your skin type. This is where dermalogica facial treatments come in because there’s something for every skin type. It’s like a grocery store only it is for your face. Take a look at how it works and what it could do for your skin.

Dermalogica treatments are not exactly blanket or one size fits all because people have different problems facially. So, if your skin feels a bit rough or it’s not giving you the glow you want, you could sign up for any of the dermalogica treatments. There is a culture called face mapping. It is an analysis or an in-depth look at your skin to identify your skin type, the level of damage if any that your skin has attained and to prescribe the appropriate skin care regimen for you so you probably don’t need to worry about getting the wrong treatment.

Micro zones Treatment

This is the kind of treatment that you settle for where you are pressed for time. It is more like an on the spot treatment. Usually, you get to choose what your biggest facial problem is and the treatment will be tailored to address that problem. So it could be something to manage wrinkles, or an effort at removing blackheads, a moisture boost or even a move at exfoliation. It all just depends on what you want.

Dermalogica Facial Treatment

This is where you need something in-depth and full-on. This treatment is for 60 minutes and it includes every essential component of facial treatment in just one sitting. So it could include an acne treatment with another for age management and wrinkles and moisture retention. The professionals will, however, guide you through the process so you choose what works best for your skin.

Ionactive Facials

As previously stated, this treatment starts with a face mapping to determine the state of your skin, whether it has pigmentation or breakouts before a full-on facial treatment. This is to determine whether a particular treatment will be suitable to avoid alternate reactions. It involves the use of highly active products and activities of a thermal nature to produce results. This treatment is usually finished off with a facial mask and massage to ease tension from the face.

It is important to note that Dermalogica treatments are quite vast. They could include microdermabrasion, age smart Facials, ultra-calming Facials, and even skin whitening treatments. One thing is certain though, after a Dermalogica treatment, you would notice the change in your skin and this is why there is always a buzz about Dermalogica.

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